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Forschungswerkstatt: Die Habsburgermonarchie im 18. Jahrhundert / Research Workshop: The Habsburg Monarchy in the 18th Century
Thomas Wallnig, Johannes Frimmel, Werner Telesko (Hg.)
18th Century Studies in Austria, 1945-2010
Mit Beiträgen von Johannes Frimmel, Martin Gasteiner, Andrea Griesebner, Elke Hammer-Luza, Michael Hochedlinger, Beate Hochholdinger-Reiterer, Thomas Hochradner, Herbert Karner, Marianne Klemun, Josef Köstlbauer, Werner Michler, Marion Romberg, Martin Scheutz, Werner Telesko, Thomas Wallnig
Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert und Österreich.Internationale Beihefte Band 4 (ISSN 2190-7390)
2011. 285 S., 15 x 23 cm
Kartonierte Ausgabe: ISBN 978-3-89911-145-3, € 58,20
Ausgabe in Bibliotheksleinen: ISBN 978-3-89911-160-6, € 78,20

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Citations are presented only if the reviewer has agreed to a citation.
The fact that the volume under review is in English – a language in which very few eighteenth-century sources on Austria were written – is a blessing to Britsh and American scholars [...]. A truly impressive feature of the book is the excellent full bibliograpies attached to each chapter. These surely both assist established scholars and also smoth the path of many students, whether from Austria or from other lands, who are attracted to studying aspects of the country's history, especially in the eighteenth century..
Derek Beales, Das Achtzehnte Jahrhundert, Jg./Bd. 38, H. I, S. 71 (2014)